"Preventing corruption by the access to environmental information– a mechanism to promote the transparency of local public institutions and accountable citizens"

Period of implementation: january 2010 – octomber 2010

Partner: Suceava Agency for Environmental Protection

Based on feedback to improve civil society against corruption by facilitating access to environmental information, promoting transparency of local administration and accountable citizens, the project proposed to address both local administration representatives, enterprisers and community members in general.
The project was implemented in 10 localities in Suceava County that are situated in the Natura 2000 sites or its vicinity.

Specific objective 1: Involvement of local administrative authorities in actions that facilitate administrative transparency and access for citizens to environmental information, regarding the obligations and rights of individuals and entrepreneurs that manage land area subject to conservation or rehabilitation measures, legal procedures of authorization and supervision of economic activities in the target localities.
Specific objective 2: Create a vigilant and responsible attitude of the population about the impact of human activity on the local natural environment and the consequences of poor enforcement of environmental legislation.

• In each of the 10 localities were carried out activities of the information and awareness campaign "I care about, take action!"
• 10,000 people in the target localities have understood (on the basis of the distributed informational materials) the importance of identifying and reporting the corruption acts that lead to environmental damage;
• 100 representatives of local public authorities in the target localities (mayors, councilors, members of environmental commissions, etc.) - were aware of the need to promote a more transparent decision making and correct information to citizens on environmental information;
• 100 local entrepreneurs in the target localities were accountable by specific information to meet environmental legislation characteristic of protected areas (Natura 2000 site), a way to remove vulnerability to commit acts of corruption;
• 10 people in the target communities were prepared to become environmental volunteers, an interface of communication and work between communities and Suceava Agency of Environmental Protection.

- Brochure "Guide of entrepreneur – environmental legislation in Natura2000 Site"
- Brochure "Transparency in local administration"